Mzungu Memoirs


9 Responses to “CONTACT US”

  1. Mary Lou Kimball says:

    Was just wondering where you are from. I am in Colorado right now but live in Uganda. Know you have probably already left but enjoyed your memories. It is the way it is. I live in Kajjansi which is between Kampala and Entebbe. I have a project with some children in a little village just past Mabira Forest on the way to Jinja.

  2. Paul says:

    Donna and I were thinking of you the other day and I realized it had been a while since I had looked at your web sight. I saw it on my “favorites” list today and decided to catch up. It is very good to read that you are adapting so well to your home in Uganda and that things are going well. We miss your family and pray for often, not just personally but often in our elder’s meetings. May God continue to bless your efforts and keep you safe.

  3. Vicki says:

    I love reading about your activities in Uganda. Heather, I want to know more about the cards you and the ladies are making. Where can they be purchased? Great to hear the whole family is being used so beautifully & purposefully for the Kingdom of the Most High!

  4. gayle h. says:

    Love that story of the hospital visit. I remember those days so well. Sounds like you guys are enjoying your new home.

  5. Paul says:

    I was just catching up on your journey and am still amazed at your willingness to serve God and others in this way. It is a great encouragement to us all. You are in our prayers and I wish God’s continued blessings on you. We miss all of you. I envy Caleb to be able to experience all of this at his tender age.

  6. james says:

    i miss being barefoot

  7. Liz R says:

    Thank God for your safe travels and uncomplicated arrival at your new home on the other side of the world. I am so proud of you for the commitment to share your lives with others who don’t have what we take for granted in America. I will keep praying for blessings over you all and those you touch while you are there.

  8. james says:

    our prayers and best wishes go with you all

  9. amy johnson says:

    Through our youngest’s namesake, Birch Rambo, we heard that you are headed our way, to Uganda. We serve past the Rwenzori Mountains in Bundibugyo with World Harvest Mission. Our little ones are about the same age as yours (as I can tell from a pic). We head into Kampala to restock for supplies, so maybe we will meet up sometime. Praying for you as you are saying goodbyes and hellos. Feel free to email if you have questions! Peace to you, Amy.

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